
Monday, June 27, 2011

Life's Decisions

Life is a series of decisions. A web, woven through your life by the decisions you make ultimately bringing you to your present existence. Every choice you make creates an outcome that can be altered by another choice. Your outcome on life, no matter how positive, can be altered and turn negative by one choice, one action or one event. However, the same goes to say that your negative outlook, your depressed state or your current juxtaposition; can be altered by one positive choice, action or event. Life is what you make of it. The richest people in the world can be void of love, happiness or righteousness; because they chose wealth and greed. The poorest families can be the happiest because they control their own state of mind.
The problem with this thought is that you and you alone control your decisions. Sure others can weigh in, provoke you or alter your views... But you alone control the power to start a series of positive actions to draw a positive path. You and you alone. That's a scary thought. Leaving me to my own devices. Leaving me with the power to change my life with just the thoughts in my head; with the power to make decisions and take action to either better my life or destroy it. Have you ever been in my head? Its a scary place, and that's a scary thought.
At the end of the day, life is a gamble. You take shots at what you think at the time will be the best outcome. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. The best part about this whole thing is that you are living... Your alive... With every positive outcome and triumph you feel the ecstasy of life; With every negative outcome and demise, you feel pain and sorrow. I know now that either way it doesn't matter... you feel something... You feel alive. The best advice I ever received was "When your up you never feel like its enough, and when your down, you never feel like you'll be up again." That's life. Feel it. Live it. Love it. Hate it. Prosper. Grow. Fall and get up.... That's life.