
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Why Crossfit is ruining the world and how it’s causing CANCER!

STOP! Before you throw a fully plated prowler at me or pelt me with weighted med balls, I am a Crossfitter and believe in a majority of what Crossfit stands for. But while you are here, you might as well read the article and understand what got you here, and why internet trolls are taking over social media.
I read an article on Facebook today that somehow connected drinking coffee to cancer… On my way to work I noticed that somehow I subconsciously walked by the coffee maker that I use every morning and didn’t turn it on. I ate the same breakfast this morning that I eat every morning with my coffee, but this time I didn’t notice that I didn’t have any coffee to drink. It didn't hit me that I didn’t have my coffee with me this morning until I was walking into work and realized that I not only didn’t I have my coffee but I forgot my lunch box, water bottle and protein shaker bottle; this morning was awful to say the least.
I read a different article a few weeks back explaining how some of the most common beers are so terribly bad for you that they should be banned from the shelves… Now I second guess myself every time I order a beer.
While my reactions to those stories are wildly true, it hit me that what we read on social media sites, blog pages and the random website from the darkness of the inter-web have such a huge impact on our psyche… If we let it. The new rage in Social Media advertising is what I like to call “Propaganda Marketing”. It is when a blog page, website or an internet troll posts an outlandish picture, video caption or blog title (i.e. my title about Crossfit causing cancer) glamourizing something to the point where you have to click on the link to see it (Have you ever seen one of those titles that say something like “This goat didn’t eat for days, then THIS happened…” yea, I clicked on that too). It is a cheap way to get hits on websites, videos and blogs but it often leaves more questions than answers.
With the amount of information now a days at our finger tips, it’s hard to distinguish between the truth, the half-truths and the outlandish lies… Because it’s on the internet so it must be true, right? The easiest way to make a buck on the internet these days are to discredit something trendy and popular. The one to guarantee the quickest response? Crossfit. Hands down Crossfit has changed the landscape of the fitness industry, mostly because of the cult like following it produces; if you’re going to fight Crossfit, you’re going to have to fight it’s fan based that has pledged their allegiance to the fast pace, chalky world of Crossfit.
At the end of the day, do your research. If a blog is siting sources from a major publication or a scientific study, then go check the source before you put faith in it (if they don’t site any sources, chances are they are opinion based and can most likely be full of half-truths and outright lies). Whatever you do, DO NOT repost something you don’t agree with or find holes in… you are then just feeding into their ploy and sending people directly to their site for more hits, more traffic and more money for them. The best thing you can do is just ignore them.
Now, for my opinion on the health and fitness world. … there, now that I got that out of the way. Any health professional or dietitian would be hard pressed to disagree with the thought that we should be consuming whole foods like organic vegetables and fruits (mostly in a raw state), organic meats, fats from nuts and oils as well as complex carbs. We should also stay away from processed foods, GMO’s and excessive amounts of sugars. Of course everything in life should be had in moderation and good judgment. As far as exercise is concerned, do whatever makes you happy as long as you are moving and active. If you want to do Crossfit, DO YOUR RESEARCH and find a place that you feel comfortable with and that has a coaching staff that is competent and focuses on form. If you want to join a big box gym, DO YOUR RESEARCH and find a place you feel comfortable with and that has a staff and certified personal trainers that are willing to help with basic exercise information (do NOT let them talk you into some sort of personal training contract that you don’t feel comfortable with, they are there to help not sell you something, even though most of their intentions are the other way around). If you have no idea what you are doing, DO YOUR RESEARCH and find a good personal trainer to help you with the ins and outs of working out and program design. If you want the ultimate workout and live in the Tampa, FL area go check out Core5 Studio ( for a comprehensive fitness program.
At the end of the day, do what works for you, but with all of this great information at our finger tips, there is plenty of tools to help you weed through the garbage and get what you need!

As Always; Peace, Love and Fitness!