
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

YOLO, Southwest Airlines... YOLO.

Firstly, thank you for the abundance of free drink cards you guys send to us periodically; while my wife can't currently enjoy them (more on that later), I sure do! 

My wife and I are frequent guests of your company, having a direct flight from Tampa to Las Vegas helped secure our patronage and brand loyalty. A matter of fact, my wife and I started dating in Las Vegas after I flew her out as a result of a hot craps table run. So if you really want to test the elasticity of this story, you can make a giant stretch and say that if if wasn't for Southwest, we may have never been married... You know, on account of those other airlines forcefully removing passengers and what not.

Sorry, I digress.

In 2017 my wife took a new position in her company that requires her to fly often. Phoenix, Memphis, Denver... She is a jet-setter. She usually leaves on a Monday and comes back on Thursday, every week for usually 6-8 weeks at a time. "That must be really hard on your relationship", you may say. You kidding me? I'm a bachelor for 3-4 days a week. Walking around the house in my underwear, I get to eat Taco Bell at the drop of a hat, never have to watch Real housewives of whatever city and I get to just chill with our 3 year Vizsla pup... Who really runs this house. Besides, we get that feeling of longing towards the end of every week and it keeps things very exciting in our new-ish marriage... Which brings us to our dilemma.

​I knocked her up.

Why do we consider this a dilemma? Don't worry baby bird, I'm going to feed you. With the amount of travel she did in 2017, she blew through the Southwest tiers all the way to the top baby, Companion Pass! ​So here we are, sitting here with all of these destinations we wanted to visit- Costa Rico, Aruba, Grand Cayman... and now there is this human growing in my wife's stomach which is prohibiting us from utilizing this awesome perk that she earned, mainly because of the restrictions with Zika. 

While this may be a stretch for most companies, Southwest is the cool brand. The brand that allows their flight attendants to rap the safety instructions. The brand that doesn't charge change fees. The brand that can get me from my door step in Tampa to a craps table at the Mirage in 4 hours... Surely we can figure something out in this situation. We are not asking for something my wife didn't earn, were just asking for an extension of that well deserved perk to start in 2019 so we can actually enjoy it... as a family of 3! For the record, my wife is still traveling for work for the beginning of the pregnancy, but with a due date of July 1st, it won't be much longer which counts out the ability of hitting the tier points again this year.

So what do we have to do here? Name our kid Southwest? While I'm not a Kardashian, I'd consider it maybe as a middle name option. 

Obviously a lot of this is said in jest, but we really would love it if you guys could make some sort of consideration based on our situation. If you pull up both of our Rapid Rewards accounts, you'll not only notice the amount of travel we do, but also the fact that we both have Southwest Credit Cards and utilize them very often; my wife especially. At the end of the day my wife and I are very brand loyal and we'll be a customer for life... But how cool of a story would it be for us to tell everyone we know about how Southwest took our situation under consideration and did the right thing for the customer.

Thank you for listening to our story. I hope it made you laugh a little and brought some smiles to your day. We hope to hear from you soon!

Below are obligatory photos of our cute dog baby announcement (for bonus points) and proof of our little nugget, the doctor said he/she already has a great big heart... The picture came directly from the sonogram like that, no photo shop work.