
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Caveman Day 1

With day 1 in the books, excitement was more of a motivational factor than actually enjoying the food. Jill and I woke up, made breakfast together and designed our day's meals. Jill is in a tough position because she is left to the mercy of just a cooler for lunch (no microwave or any way to cook lunch) but we made due and hopefully it will help some of you out there.

Before we started our mission to a healthier lifestyle in 2013, Jill and I decided to have a fat day (as if the last 6 months wasn't enough) to end 2012. This is going to be disturbing, but we had fun doing it, until our bodies hated us for what we did to it. We went to both Chick-fil-a and Burger king for lunch (we wanted the Chick-fil-a sandwich and of course the sauces that comes with it, but wanted burgers too... and of course, onion rings) and had Chinese food for dinner. While this was a great idea at the time, I feel as though it hindered my first day as I felt bloated, lethargic and just plain gross all morning... And for good reason, here is a break down of my last crappy lunch and dinner:
Lunch: BK Double whopper, Chick-fil-a sandwhich
Dinner: Chinese take out- broccoli and beef with lo mien and wonton soup
Calories: 3245 Carbs: 438 Fat: 120g Protein: 154g

As I write this, I'm shaking my head... It's insane to think that I can pass my daily intake(in the most unhealthy way) in two meals. The most amazing thing? I forgot to add my soda intake (I splurged since its my last time drinking it and had 3 cokes yesterday) when I did, it added almost 1,000 calories and doubled my carbs! Thank God this is all changing!

We are going to keep it simple the first couple days and not get into the hardcore Paleo recipes until we get some days under our belt... But believe me, the world of Paleo has a ton of great tasting recipes at its disposal. Day 1 went like this:

Breakfast: 2 eggs over easy (cooked in butter with sea salt and pepper) and 1/4 avocado, I had a coffee as well
Lunch: Salad- Baby spinach, Carrots, 1/4 avocado, 2oz turkey, 2 tbs of gluten free dressing
Snack: 1 cup mixed unsalted nuts(No peanuts! Peanuts are not nuts, they are legumes and are not Paleo!)
Dinner: 1 tilapia filet cooked in butter, with lemon juice, garlic, sea salt and pepper, steamed mashed cauliflower (mashed potatoes consistency) with butter sea salt and pepper.
We ended somewhere around 1500 calories, 81g protein, 57g carbs (majority of carbs came from the cauliflower and mixed nuts 22g and 14 g respectively)

*So we are all on the same page, anything I mention we ate should be assumed organic unless noted. In this meal plan we were finishing our non-cage free eggs and haven't made our dressing yet, so we used store bought.

Jill refers to herself as a crack addict going through withdrawals from missing carbs in her diet. If she had it her way she would eat bagels with cream cheese for all of her meals. Jill also wasn't a fan of the cauliflower mashed potatoes... when I asked why, she said she doesn't like cauliflower... I then proceeded to stare at her blankly for 2 minutes, seeing as how she failed to mention that as I slaved over them for 30 minutes... She did say that they matched the consistency of mashed potatoes though.

I got extremely hungry around 5 pm annnnnd I'm already sick of nuts. I made a cup of green tea and it managed to curb the appetite a bit, as I read an article suggesting that. I really enjoyed the mashed cauliflower potatoes but I'm not hard to please because I eat pretty much anything.

Our workout was light today for the first workout of the new year since Jill and I haven't hit the gym in a while. We did a light weight, two stage, circuit workout with 3 rounds of sets of 8-12 each. Looked something like this:

back squats/leg extension
split squat/lunges
bosu ball air squats/ box jumps (2 consecutive rounds of 30 each no rest between)
20 minutes of cardio on the Arc training (pikes peak level 5 for all you Arc lovers)
Again, the point was to ease us in, which is why we started with legs... I hate legs... Like every other red blooded American man... But we have to... Mainly so my friends stop making fun of my calves. Either way, we are picking up the pace tomorrow with our pseudo personal trainers and Paleo friends Drew and Ashleigh... super excited. : /

Roses: Jill- The tilapia Keith- Mashed cauliflowers

Thorns: Jill- Salad dressing (we are making our own tomorrow), Keith- lack of snacking.

Future tasks-
Homemade dressing
Homemade trail mix

Up Next: waking up way too early to work out, measurements and trip to the farmers market.


  1. Enjoying the blog so far :) I also thought about blogging when we started paleo back in September and now I really wish I would have. Especially to track the different phases your mind and body go through during the initial process. I did keep somewhat keep a journal though so I may just have to convert that :) Mike and I have a TON of good recipes (and yes, some are vegetarian of course)so let us know if you need any suggestions! :)

    One question- what kind of butter are you using? I was under the impression that it wasn't paleo!?

  2. Jenna... That is pretty much our purpose as well; hopefully it'll give us something to look back on and see how we felt and how our journey went(pretty much the same thing you said)... But also to open up and let other people see what we are trying to do (family, friends and anyone else that wants to read). As YOU know, trying to explain what your doing, why your doing it and how your doing it isn't exactly a 2-3 minute answer... Also helps that it forces us to track what we are eating, how our body is reacting (maybe allergies we never knew we had) and mistakes we made... Like the question you just posed. I was under the impression that butter was Paleo as most articles I read championed using butter especially with vegetables to help with the absorption of nutrients... But you are absolutely correct, butter technically is NOT Paleo. After some research I have come to the conclusion that there are two schools of thought on the topic... Strict Paleo and Paleo+dairy (mostly butter, cream and limited use of cheese). See... We are learning together! And I would love to hear your favorite recipes... we should get some together and make a cookbook between our group! Thanks for the post and look forward to your feedback!
