
Monday, January 7, 2013

Paleo Weekend; Friends, a fire pit and animal carcasses

Our first weekend with our changing lifestyle and it was our first big test. Friday we went to a dinner party which could be an awkward situation seeing as how most people don't eat the way we eat. Luckily we were with a group of friends who are like minded so we had a little healthy eating/Paleo dinner party. Skirt steak, salmon and chicken skewers were on the menu with healthy sides like broccoli and Brussels sprouts. I did cheat and use some butter on my veggies... I had a couple squirts of "I can't believe its not Paleo(butter)" spray... As my friends and I liked to call it all night.

Beer is my other weakness. I love beer. Like in the way a fat kid loves cake or the way my friends love craps in Vegas. There are many gluten free options out there, but I haven't found one that pleases my pallet. So what I am willing to do for you guys out there, I'm only doing this for you and research purposes, is trying all of the gluten free beers I can and review them here for you at a later date. For now, I'll stick to red wine and vodka/soda (or vodka/water with lots of lemon) when I am in a social drinking setting and want to partake (obviously we are going to try and not drink alcohol as much as possible... God I sound like an alcoholic right now).

I found a ton of Paleo friendly recipes for things I missed most and I'm going to try them this week including:
biscuits, bread, muffins, tortillas, etc. We were going to make a run at making them this weekend, but we had issues finding almond flour locally. We did do some more grocery shopping this weekend; we got our meats (mostly organic when we could find it) at a local superstore and reserved the fruits and veggies for the local farmers market.

Speaking of farmers markets, I love the one we have locally Check it out. It seems like every time we go there, no matter what we pile into our cart, we only spend $20... Obviously the produce you get from a farmers market is usually fresh and organic, but it also supports local farmers and growers. A word of advice, only buy what your going to use in the coming days because these foods aren't usually treated with the nasty toxic preservatives to help them keep longer. We usually purchase for a week out for most of the produce. This week we started our "spice garden" in the kitchen window sill with pre-grown Rosemary, its about 12 inches tall already and was only $1.99... Kidding me?!?! We've already used some in lunch and dinner!

Saturday we went over our friend's house to watch the first week of playoff football; another awkward situation as most football parties include buffalo wings dripping with blue cheese, chips, cheese dips and our weakness... Pizza. Luckily our group of friends choose a healthy lifestyle as well, but we didn't want to impose so we packed a lunch! We made lettuce wraps with chicken, avocado and homemade salad dressing, brought a couple pieces of fruit, veggies and some homemade granola. They also had some food made there; vegetarian chili, Mike's chicken concoction (chicken, potatoes and sauerkraut- delicious!) and chips and salsa... Seeing how were not eating corn or grain but love salsa, our friend Jenna found some carrot chips in her fridge and those worked out perfectly!

We will be stepping up our cooking skills this week, trying out some new recipes... were excited to bring you some new choices for you. Good luck this week, and look for a new blog soon!

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