
Thursday, January 10, 2013

I should really become a Paleo chef...

I tell myself that I should be a chef after every meal I cook... But its really easy when your working with fresh, flavorful, organic(mostly) meats, veggies and condiments. I've concocted a few more recipes... and most of them were derived from my own head or some stuff thrown together that actually worked! As I read back on this, I must warn you again... I am very easy to please when it comes to food. I enjoy most every food, flavor and texture... So when I say I should be a chef, I could probably only be a chef for myself... which I am... soooo... I guess its congrats to me on my new career!..... A chef for one... myself... Boy I have a lonely job... Luckily I have Jill to eat with me... Anyways, I'm done rambling, here is some food ideas!

I love salt and vinegar chips... and miss them dearly, they are my most favorite comfort food. I have found many recipes for baked kale chips, but I decided to try my own twist, and they came out good... I must warn you though, I love vinegar, but for those of you who don't as much, be careful how much you add. This is also the recipe for regular Kale chips if you don't add the additional salt and vinegar. :)

Salt and vinegar (kale) chips:

One bundle of fresh kale
2 tbl spoons coconut oil melted
1 tbl spoon of lemon juice
sea salt

Pre-heat oven to 
Wash Kale and pat dry with paper towel
cut Kale stems off
cut Kale leaves off stalk veins into chip size pieces
pour oil over kale leaves in a mixing bowl and massage oil into kale
add lemon juice, sea salt and pepper to taste
spread Kale in one level on a cookie sheet
bake in oven for 35 mins, after 12 mins toss them and make sure they aren't burning
Let stand for 2-3 minutes (if you can leave them alone that long)
place desired amount of chips in a mixing bowl and add vinegar (and more salt if desired) to taste.

We tried another recipe for Paleo pasta and meat sauce... This time with zucchini noodles... Jill did the honors. I actually liked this recipe better than the spaghetti squash we made on the previous blog because the veggies here didn't add a sweetness and flavor change that the spaghetti squash did.

Jill Boo Boo's Paleo spaghetti and meat sauce:

2 large zucchini's
1 large squash
diced onions (about a 1/4 cup)
1 minced garlic clove
olive oil
sea salt and pepper
1 pound ground turkey (or organic/grass fed ground beef)
1 jar Paleo friendly spaghetti sauce (or make your own!)

Brown and season your ground meat to taste (we add the onions here to flavor the turkey, but you can add to the zucchini/squash mix if you'd like). Drain meat.
Add spaghetti sauce and set on simmer to let the flavors mix while you make the spaghetti.
Peel the zucchini's and squash
Cut the vegetables into long thin (spaghetti like) pieces.
Set saute pan (we used a wok) to med high and add the oil.
Saute your veggies for a couple minutes to warm them up and release some of the juices
 Add spaghetti to sauce and your all done!

While I was trying to find something to eat for lunch, I came up with this really easy and very delicious concoction. I made it on a whim, but the flavors were very well defined and meshed well together! I will call it Garlic Onion flaxseed mustard pepper chicken... I call it that because that name contains most of the ingredients... So I don't have to think. Your welcome.

Keith's GOFMPC:

2 boneless chicken breasts, cut into bite size pieces
olive oil
2 tbls of minced garlic (I cheated and used pre-minced garlic in olive oil)
1/4 chopped onions
1/2 red pepper cut thinly 
Dijon mustard
favorite spices (I just used some off my spice rack including Italian seasoning, some fajita seasoning I had and a touch of cayenne pepper seasoning... just have to be careful because some of these are loaded with salt. Next time I will go fresh spice, but this was a spur of the moment lunch!)

   How to make:
set your saute pan to med high
put in enough oil to coat the pan
when the pan is hot add the garlic, peppers and onions... let them saute and release some flavor (about 3-4 minutes)
add chicken, then add enough dijon mustard to liberally coat the chicken (my mustard is in a squeeze bottle so I just kind of drizzled enough on to cover it). The mustard will thin out as it get hot and coat the chicken nicely.
saute until chicken is cooked through, then turn stove to med-low
add a touch more Dijon mustard and sprinkle on some flaxseed (enough to cover the top of the chicken).
toss ingredients together and let them simmer for about 2 more minutes.

Now eat the crap out of it! It makes enough for two servings with the ingredients I put up above.

Soooo, Jill and I are enjoying trying the new recipes and we will continue to play around with ones we find online and make some up ourselves! As always, we will let you know how they come out!

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